What Is Parasuicide?
Parasuicide, sometimes called Deliberate Self-Harm, occurs when one mimics the act of suicide, but does not have the initital intent to die or end up killing themselves.
Parasuicide is not necessarily manipulative in any consciously-planned way. It is often a cry for help in the only way that many people know how to cry out for help.
Parasuicide is not the same as setting out with the intent to self-injure. It is an act that ends up to be more about self-harm than dying and is classed by the degree to which it is life-threatening.
People who would be labelled as parasuicidal can also be classed under the heading of deliberate self-harm, and usually express other reasons, aside from trying to actually kill themselves, for their actions.
Most cases of parasuicide are associated with mental illness, whether that be depression, alcoholism, or personality disorders.
Other causative factors that make acts of parasuicide more likely include:
Relationship Problems
Being Unemployed
Being Physically ill, particularly epileptic
Being Mentally Handicapped
Being Neglected or Abused by your Parents
Having a Parent die at a young age
Coping with a loved one's illness
Being in trouble with the Law