BPD Recovery
Borderline Personality Disorder and Recovery
I recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder at the age of 38, in 1995. I have been recovered for 15 years now. I was diagnosed with BPD at the age of 19 and while I was in and out of therapy from the age of 17, it wasn't until I hit my own bottom that I opened up to the serious process of really doing the work in therapy at the age of 33 that I got on the road to the what would be total recovery by the age of 38. I was in helpful therapy for the two years prior to this getting to the place I needed to be to really open up to the work I still had to do back then. I would also say that while I recovered in 1995, the next two years, from age 38 to 40 were years in which I was still solidifying the gains of recovery and further growing into the authentic me I had become.
When I write, speak in audio or video, to you, about recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder I offer you this hope, information, and support, as someone who has been there, had BPD and recovered. I also offer you this hope information, and support as a Life/Mental Health/BPD Coach with 8 years of experience in coaching those with Borderline Personality Disorder.
From my own life experience with recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder, as well as my recovery as a loved one of family members and an ex-partner in my life with BPD, and my work in coaching those with BPD and Loved Ones of those with BPD - non borderlines also need their own recovery.
I am currently writing a memoir about my recovery, 15 years ago, from Borderline Personality Disorder. For up-dates, excerpts, and to email and put your name on a list to be notified when my memoir becomes available please visit: A.J.'s Memoir
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Choice is Central To Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is very possible. At the heart of recovery from BPD is the reality of choice. Awareness and emotional understanding of choices and their consequences is often compromised for those who have BPD. Notwithstanding that fact, however, what everyone with BPD needs to know is just how central to recovery choice really is and why.
Having recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder 15 years ago, A.J. Mahari, in this audio, talks about how and why she made the choice to recover from BPD. Choice is a much larger part of the process and unfolding journey of recovery than many with BPD may realize.
In this 1 hour and 15 minute audio, Choice and Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder, Mahari explains why if you haven't already made this choice in your own life why it will benefit you and the reality that there is no escaping the pain that you need to face and learn how to resolve and heal in order to recover from Borderline Personality Disorder. Continuing to try to escape your emotional pain will keep you stuck in and with BPD.
Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder is possible. What does recovery mean? What does recovery look like? How is recovery measured? How is it that people actually recover from BPD? All these questions and so many more will be addressed in A.J. Mahari's new audio series on BPD and Recovery.
A.J. Mahari recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder 15 years ago and has a profound first-hand understanding of the process that is recovery from BPD and what that means, feels like, and truly is and what it involves and entails.
If you want to find out more about BPD and Recovery and to discover much more about how you can learn more that will help you on your journey of recovery from BPD please keep checking back to phoenixrisingpublications.ca for many audios on this topic from A.J. Mahari, a woman who recovered from BPD and who is a writer, speaker, mental health and life coach.
In her introduction to her audio series about BPD Recovery the first audio examines what is at the heart of recovery from BPD and the very good news that recovery from BPD is indeed possible.
There is so much Hope for Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Author, BPD Coach and Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, talks about the reality of this hope for recovery from BPD in her latest audio Hope for Recovery From BPD in which she also shares some her experience in her own recovery from BPD 15 years ago.
The Hope for Recovery From BPD truly exists in each and every person who has BPD. To get on the road to recovery one must take the journey From False Self To Authentic Self. It is within your lost authentic self that you can and will find both hope and recovery. When you have BPD getting on the road to finding recovery does mean that you must make series of choices that will make this journey possible in your life.
You can empower yourself toward recovery by learning to change your thoughts and to cope with the triggers that are the gateways to recovery. Triggers that will present you with numerous learning and growth opportunities each and every time you experience the emotional dysregulation associated with them.
All of A.J. Mahari's articles on BPD are available for your reading free of charge. A.J. will be adding articles periodically as time permits and the rest of my writing will be made available at reasonable rates in Ebooks (PDF format) along with the information I make available in my Audio Programs and of course if you are interested you might want to check out A.J.'s Life and BPD Coaching services.
Along with offering hope that recovery is possible and more information on what it looks and feels like and how others can begin to recover this site will also seek to continue to bridge the gap that exists between worlds. The world of those diagnosed with BPD and the world of those who seek to understand them and who often have to make very tough choices about whether or not they can forge ahead in relationships that so far have caused a tremendous amount of pain and have not proved to be healthy.
This site offers hope. It is not unrealistic. If you have been diagnosed with BPD - hope, believe, and have faith that you can and will recover. I am now in the process of adding information to a new section on this web site dedicated just to information and questions and so forth - all about recovery from BPD.
How each person diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder recovers (or perhaps doesn't) and to what degree is highly individual and much more will be outlined here coming soon along with more audios from me on this subject and my up-coming Memoir about my Own Recovery From BPD
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