Borderline Personality Disorder From The Inside Out is a website with a wide variety of information about Borderline Personality Disorder. It also features A.J's articles and ebooks about BPD and all things related. A.J. is a woman who has recovered from BPD, and who also had a borderline father. A.J. has written over 100 articles made available to you on this site and is now writing Ebooks for sale at very reasonable prices. A.J. will still, from time to time make available articles free here.

June 2006 Featured Article By A.J. Mahari

"Awareness of Your Core Wound of Abandonment Will Change Your Life"

July 2006 Feature

Excerpt From A.J. Mahari's Ebook "The Abandoned Pain of BPD"

By A.J. Mahari AVAILABLE NOW. Please click on the cover of the ebook you want to know more about and/or purchase and you will be directed to an information and sales page for that ebook.

A.J.'s latest ebook, available now - NEW - June 14, 2006 - The Legacy of Abandonment In Borderline Personality Disorder - An examination and explanation of the core wound of abandonment.


Book Feature

- June 18, 2006

The Identity Code "The 8 Essential Questions for Finding Your Purpose and Place in the World"

A.J. Mahari's website - Borderline Personality Disorder From The Inside Out features the articles, ebooks, and experience of A.J. Mahari, a 48 woman who has recovered from BPD. A.J's mission is to provide an insightful understanding about Borderline Personality Disorder (from the inside out) and the accompanying behaviour and difficult challenges for both the person diagnosed with BPD, and those around him/her and/or treating professionals who may be challenged by the presentation of some borderlines in therapy and be seeking greater insight into borderline behaviour

This site offers hope. It is not unrealistic. If you have been diagnosed with BPD - hope, believe, and have faith that you can and will recover. How each of us recovers and to what degree is highly individual. 100 Hot CDs


Last up-dated August 21, 2006