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"The puzzle at the heart of BPD is one that you can solve." A.J. Mahari

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A.J. Mahari's BPD Information

aj graphic G'day, I am A.J. Mahari. I am 51 years young. I am a person who recovered from BPD 14 years ago now, a professional writer, an audio podcaster and a mental health & life coach and strategist. I am not a mental health professional. Everything I write in my articles and ebooks, along with everything that I am now talking about in audio programs and in my BPD Inside Out Audio Podcast comes from my own personal experience - hard-fought for insight and awareness in my own recovery and in my life generally.

I have videos on the subject of BPD for those with BPD and family members, loved ones, ex or relationship partners of those with BPD on You Tube

A.J. Mahari is currently writing a memoir about her life and experience as a person who had two parents with Borderline Personality Disorder, as a person who was diagnosed herself with BPD at the age of 19 and from her perspective as someone who has recovered from BPD. There is a new section on her BPD Blog called The Diary - My Borderline Years

Touchstone Life Coaching

"A.J. Mahari has been writing about Borderline Personality Disorder From The Inside Out for over 12 years now. She is a wonderfully insightful and highly credible guide into this most complicated personality disorder for both those with BPD and non borderlines. Mahari's articles and ebooks are welcome light in an otherwise often dark journey of lostenss." -- Kelly Hodgins, Ph.D.

I know from my own personal recovery that it is possible. I know that if you are borderline, you need to have hope. Bring trapped in borderline pain can seem and feel pretty hopeless. If you are non borderline there is hope for you too in or out of chosen or unchosen relationships with those with BPD.

I have come to understand that each of us, indeed, does have a place in this hectic and often over-burdened world of ours. This place is found within our individual spirit, deep down inside of ourselves. This place, my place in the world, your place in the world, truly exists and awaits your welcoming it with open arms into your everyday experience. This place, is the place inside of you, where you meet, greet, and accept your authentic self. It is where you will also find the best friend that you can ever have in this world. Your place in the world must first be claimed from inside of yourself, from your inner world. Then from this place, you can seek to better define and enhance the other places that are yours, or that you want to be yours, in this world.

It is my hope that you will find something that enables you to keep actively moving forward in your journey toward your desired goals in life as you read what I have assembled and or written myself here for you.

"Finding Hope From the Polarized Negativity of BPD"

© A.J. Mahari

Audio Program "Preparing For Recovery From BPD" Parts 1 & 2 by A.J. Mahari

I am a great believer that we can heal, we can change, we can find happiness and some measure of peace in life. We just need to remain true to our own processes and true to ourselves. I hope that you will remain true to the lost authentic self that you, if you have BPD, may still be on the journey of finding. Be strong and determined. If you are close to or have been close to someone with BPD you may also be in search of your own healing.

At the heart of the journey of recovery is the journey from From False Self to Authentic Self A journey that requires understanding the nature and scope of Emotional Dysregulation and being open to the quest for the hard-fought for process that can get start you on the road to change through Finding Hope From the Polarized Negativity of BPD

© A.J. Mahari February 14, 2008

Rage Addiction in BPD Audio Program by A.J. Mahari (sold separately or packaged with Mahari's Ebook, "Rage and BPD")

  • Hope For Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Audio Program "Preparing For Recovery From BPD" Parts 1 & 2 by A.J. Mahari

    Audio Program Rage Addiction in BPD by A.J. Mahari (sold separately or packaged with Mahari's Ebook, "Rage and BPD")

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