Suicide: Have you attempted suicide? Why or why not? Do you have suicidal ideations? Often, or once in awhile? Under what circumstances in your life do you find that you get suicidal/or ideations?

Once I was as close as one can get to suicide without actually doing it, and I went to the hospital instead tho I don't really know why. I often have suicidal ideations. When something significant goes wrong, I think that I just don't want to live thru the pain, and that the rest of my life will be just periods of pain and no happiness, so I should die now to avoid it. This is always caused by feelings of loneliness or abandonment or having no hope for the future or that I'll never change who I am and that I am worthless.


When I was in my late 20's and 30's, I half heartedly attempted suicide. I wanted to die at the moment but didn't have the courage to do it. I think I wanted someone to stop and stop my pain in some other way...*I* didn't know how but figured the one someone who loved me would. And if they didn't care enough to stop it, then I might as well be dead anyway. I haven't felt like actually killing myself for many years and know I wouldn't again. However, I have felt that *somehow* I wish I were dead if I lost my rock (my husband). I couldn't imagine life without him and wouldn't know what to do. Either if he left me, or if he died. That throws me into a panic. Otherwise I can handle anything else.


Not suicidal. No suicidal ideations. I don't know why I escaped this.


Yes I have. It's not anything I'm proud of. I did because I wanted to leave. I wanted to get close to God, who is in heaven. I wanted to be with my Dad, who died 16 years ago. I wanted because I couldn't stand to be in such a big pain. My sorrow of life was overwhelming. I was not good enough for my kids (what I thought). I was not worth to be alive. I didn't know the meaning of life. I still don't. Noone liked me, I thought. I was just so depressed... There was no meaning... I rather leave myself than be left by anyone else... This is so much pain in this... I can't even describe it good enough... I didn't think things could ever get better. There was just darkness without any light at all... What's the point to stay alive then?

I still have sucidial ideations and it's hurting bad. Not as strong as before nor as often as before. But right now I'm having a rough time to talk myself into not doing such a thing again. I think I have these thoughts of suicide because I'm very tired. I haven't slept well for a while. Always when I haven't I get worse, and when I am to have my period, too. And when my therapist is gone for vacation, and when she is about to come back... When I feel loneley... When I'm very sad and can't get any rest... When I feel confused and double about things... When I get too much pressure on myself... When I don't get enough space for just me and my thoughts... When I feel unsecure about what's happening around me and my family... When I think all of the bad things that happen all over the world and in my own family... Oh, this is already getting too much.......


The first time I tried to commit suicide was when I was age 10 because I was terrified of being punished by my abusive parent and felt hopeless about my life ever changing. Feelings of hopelessness drove me to attempt suicide twice more when I was in my twenties. Now I simply hold the idea of it as a last resort and not something that I am likely to do.


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