A.J.'s Radio Show
A.J. Mahari's radio show "Borderline Personality Disorder From The Inside Out" can be listened to by you as a pod cast on itunes if you choose to subscribe to it that way.

If you click on the the profile button on the blogtalkradio.com player in the right hand margin you can view my profile page and see a schedule of up-coming shows and topics and the number to call to call into the show when it is live on air. The call-in number is a United States number so not too expensive for U.S. callers. You can also call through to the show using Skype which will allow you to call in to my show using skype on your computer and a headset and microphone from anywhere in the world without incurring long distance charges.
Another option for those who might not want to call in and go live on air is to click through to my Profile Page and click on the up-coming show segment link and ask a question that way by sending me your comments. Also when I am live on the air there is a chat room that you can enter where I can also read your questions and answer them on air without you having to call in or go live on air with me.
A.J. Mahari is currently writing a memoir about her life and experience as a person who had two parents with Borderline Personality Disorder, as a person who was diagnosed herself with BPD at the age of 19 and from her perspective as someone who has recovered from BPD. There is a new section on her BPD Blog called The Diary - My Borderline Years
"Facing the Facts of Borderline Personality Disorder - On The Other Side of BPD - For Loved Ones and Family Members of those With BPD"
Audio Program by A.J. Mahari.