Borderline Personality Disorder From The Inside Out

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"The puzzle at the heart of BPD is one that you can solve." A.J. Mahari

A.J.'s BPD Podcast

A.J.'s Audio Podcast

A.J.'s Blogs




Articles For Non Borderlines Written by Ms. A.J. Mahari © 2007

Touchstone Life Coaching

A.J. Mahari is currently writing a memoir about her life and experience as a person who had two parents with Borderline Personality Disorder, as a person who was diagnosed herself with BPD at the age of 19 and from her perspective as someone who has recovered from BPD. There is a new section on her BPD Blog called The Diary - My Borderline Years where A.J. Mahari shares snipets of experience from her own life that will give you just a small peak into what her memoir will include.

Borderline Abandonment Fears Lead To Non Borderlines Being Abused by Many With BPD
BPD and The Abuse of Loved Ones and Family Members
Non Borderline Confusion - Why Does The Borderline Do What He or She Does?

A.J's 2008 Articles for NonBPs

A.J's 2009 Articles for NonBPs

A.J. has an audio program, available now on the subject of CHANGE ($10.99) that will be of benefit to those with BPD and Non Borderlines.

This audio program is an enlightening examination about the ins and outs of change. The reality is that change is a part of all of our lives. It is more challenging for some people than others in various ways. However, the challenge of the newness of any change is often what inhibits our ability to achieve much-desired and/or much-needed change. This is the challenge for anyone, whether they have BPD or not.

In the audio program, "Change" A.J. Mahari talks about the stages of change, the foundation of change, what change is and why it is part of everyone's lives and what the main obstacles to change are. A.J. talks about the significance of self-concept and what empowers or hinders our efforts to create and sustain change in our lives. Mahari also explains the importance of awareness and choices along with awesome gifts that the process of any change offers to us.

Audio ProgramFrom False Self To Authentic Self in BPD - Getting In Touch With Your Inner Child

If you'd like to purchase this audio program with one or all 3 of A.J.'s "Core Wound of Abandonment Series Ebooks please go to Phoenix Rising Audio


February 25, 2008

audio logo "Facing the Facts of Borderline Personality Disorder - On The Other Side of BPD - For Loved Ones and Family Members of those With BPD" Audio Program by A.J. Mahari.

As only one who has been there can A.J. Mahari identifies and explains, from the inside out of Borderline Personality Disorder 10 Main Key Central Facts of Borderline Personality Disorder that Loved Ones and Family Members need to understand to free themselves from the painful hooks and emotional traps on the other side of Borderline Personality Disorder.

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Touchstone Life Coaching

All articles (and/or blog posts, videos - video podcast and audio podcast content) listed above, were written by and are © Ms. A.J. Mahari 2009. All rights reserved. These articles cannot be re-produced, re-printed (in any form of media - including on line) without the expressed written permission of A.J. Mahari. If you wish to include an article from this index on your web site please link back directly to the article(s) at this location as opposed to re-producing them on your web site, again, unless you obtain permission to re-produce any article written by A.J. Mahari from A.J. Mahari

Last up-dated November 7, 2009

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