DBT SKILLS Online Class For People With Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
DBT SKILLS Online Introductory Class For People With Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) New To DBT
DBT Online Class List for Borderlines
This group is a peer-led online DBT SKILLS class for Borderlines only. We will be
sending out the homework sheets of the founder of DBT, Dr. Marsha Linehan and providing guidance,
support, and feedback for group members about their practice of the DBT skills in
their own lives. This list is limited to the teaching and discussion of DBT Skills
and does not permit any off-topic, social type posting.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderpd Email List For anyone who has Borderline Personality Disorder or anyone who wants to better understand BPD. This is support list and it generates a lot of mail.
DBT Skills Discussion List Learn more about DBT skills and how to practice them to cope with BPD.
Often those diagnosed with BPD also have a diagnosis of PTSD. PTSD, often results from childhood sexual abuse.
Is a list is to help promote the discussion of and recovery from the issue of codependency. Members share the situations they are currently experiencing or have experienced as well as any coping strategies and so forth that have helped them to attain a greater degree of recovery. There is also much discussion about various books that have been written on the subject of codependence as well as a helpful focus on the 12 codependent's 12 steps.
Read more about Codependence
This page was created on July 29, 1999 as part of the re-organization of (Soul's Self Help Central) © Ms. A.J. Mahari 1996-2009 and moved to this domain September 7, 2004

A.J. Mahari has many articles on BPD from 1999-2009 that are available for your reading at no cost. Articles are added along with Blogs and Videos periodically as time permits and the rest of my writing will be made available at reasonable rates in Ebooks (PDF format) along with the information I make available in my Audio Programs for those with BPD and BPD Loved Ones.
Along with offering hope that recovery is possible and more information on what it looks and feels like and how others can begin to recover this site will also seek to continue to bridge the gap that exists between worlds. The world of those diagnosed with BPD and the world of those who seek to understand them and who often have to make very tough choices about whether or not they can forge ahead in relationships that so far have caused a tremendous amount of pain and have not proved to be healthy.
This site offers hope. It is not unrealistic. If you have been diagnosed with BPD - hope, believe, and have faith that you can and will recover. I am now in the process of adding information to a new section on this web site dedicated just to information and questions and so forth - all about recovery from BPD.
How each person diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder recovers (or perhaps doesn't) and to what degree is highly individual and much more will be outlined about this in a new section I am working on now on this site, along with the over-all re-construction of this site that focuses on Recovery From BPD
© A.J. Mahari