Trust: How do you define trust? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust anyone else? Why or why not? What is the most difficult part of trust for you to withstand, bear, or hold?

Trust for me is believing the other person would not deliberately hurt me. And would at least try to understand where I'm coming from. And who I think won't go away if we had a fight or argument, or if I revealed something about myself that may be disturbing. Wow, that's a lot. I don't trust myself because I don't trust my moods, when they will change or how long they'll last.

I trust my sister, my best friend Marty, and my therapist. But my therapist is the only one I trust to not freak out about anything I might say.

The hardest thing about trust is not to have a totally black-and-white thought like "I don't trust _anybody_" when I'm upset. And I can take every little sign I see, rightly or wrongly, as being mean or abandoning, and I blow it up to mean that _they_ as people are like this.

If people trust me, I automatically think that they're wrong and that I somehow manipulated them to think that.


Trust is not hurting or betraying or lying to the person who has placed their trust in you. It took many *many* years but I finally think I trust my husband about 98%. That fear is always there...but not because of his failings but because I have not been a good enough wife, or he's gotten sick of my ups and downs or possessiveness or craziness.


I trust you I trust you I trust this moment we are trying hard to remember what trust is...dictionary definition.... being able to be completely honest with someone and know they won't abandon you or use the knowledge to hurt you??? That's what tibbar thinks

Using the definition we just gave ... v trusts tibbar. tibbar believes in v. v does not trust herself.

There is one person I trust. Bill. Even when our romantic relationship stopped he didn't abandon me. He and I were both very very afraid of abandonment from the other but we were able to have tearful, revealing conversations and craft a lasting friendship. My only lasting friendship.

The most difficult aspect of trust for me to bear or to hold is not knowing if I will be abandoned anyway.


I define trust as a feeling of certainty that the person understands my insecurities and cares enough not to hurt me. I trust my gut instincts about people most of the time, but I frequently distrust my perceptions of situations because I know that my reacting feelings are raw and unpredictable. I find that I am not able to trust anyone beyond a certain point because my expectations are unrealistically high.


I do not know really what trust is. I don't trust myself, I don't know how to and I don't trust anyone else because people always hurt me. I also hurt people too. I am afraid that if I tell anyone anything about me they will just use it against me and embarrass and ashame me with it so it is better for me just to keep to myself.

I can't bear or hold the chance that if I trusted someone they'd leave me, abandon and or reject me. This is the story of my life. NO, trust is not a smart thing for me to do.


I am trying to trust my therapist right now. It is very hard. I don't want to be vulnerable or get hurt anymore but I also don't want to have no friends anymore either. I am trying to learn how to trust but there is so much wrong with how I think that I am not sure I'll ever get this right.


  • Borderline's on Having BPD